THX z@    0000000000000000dpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdpdp````````````````````l````l`l````l`l````l`l````00000000000000000000                      3333333333l333 4 3 2 1 0 ( & $ "          $ # " !          5@22?  ?@@@?: h?XP  ?  ?#$@@@( @@?z  @YPz@p8 ?@  Destination Liquid (Short)#A very fast made tune by Zito/Darkage^Layout^Reason on 21st june in 2oo1...#Composed for Makak`s LIQUIDATION #o1 - A Liquid Skies Records Production.#Remember, I never said that I were a musician! ;)#...#Greetings have to go to my friends in IRIS, Scoopex, Gods, Nukleus, Tulou, Kore., Depth, Epsilon Design, Oops, Contraz, Apathy, SCARAB, Ephidrena, Haujobb, DCS, NGC, Drifters, J.L.R, Appendix & Cryptoburners...#Special greetings fly to my mates in Darkage, Layout, Reason & Liquid Skies and those on #amigascne & #PKD-Guide!#Thanks to Ghandy for being a friend!!!#Contact me for ascii-requests, friendship-swapping, articles writing and Amiga scene in general via e-mail: or via snail-mail: Zito/DKG^LOT^RSN - PF 1oo522 - o4oo5 Leipzig - Germany. I am outta here...