Additional credits for the tune THX.Bubba Title must go to Geir Tjelta from whom I borrowed the arpeggio's of the first part from one of his c64 tunes (offence title if I remember correctly). Additional Additional credits for the tune THX.Het is fijn met Reyn must go to Reyn Ouwehand from whom I borrowed the beginning of the song from one of his c64 tunes (MDG tune). -^- All tunes by Dutch JaZz (not to be confused with German Jazz). -^- Please do not upload any of these tunes anywhere. End the suffering of the Bengal Kickgoose NOW! -^- More tunes can be found on Opaque #1 - the first THX musicdisk that made an Amiga group leave the scene in disgust. -^- c64ever BuZz Addition: Some of these tunes are incomplete and have incorrect sample data (borrowed samples etc). but all are from Jazz/Jolly